QUITRAFM not found! Press [Enter] to continue: $User requested to terminate the call t<(uL Menu " " not found! Error reading menu " Error reading "U RAFMTOP Fatal error. Returning to BBS. Returning to "RAFMTOP" ' 7 A O [ y RAFM.KEY Key not found! Error reading key. Illegal or missing keyU RemoteAccess File Manager BCopyright 1990 by Ren van Hoorn - Hilversum - Holland - 2:283/506 Initializing Registered to : ). UNREGISTERED EVALUATION VERSION. \MSGINFO.BBS MSGINFO.BBS \USERS.BBS USERS.BBS not found.U $ + 0 : ? V e \)Unknown archive type or archive in error. 9Sorry, more then 100 files in archive. View not possible. Found: View this file ( /n) ? U 'Enter the name of the archive to view: File not found.U ARCHHELP Sorry, no help available.U Enter number, A or N: ;48HU Viewing archive: file(s) in archive) Tagged Number FileName Compressed Original Ratio DateU Use cursorkeys or press: ]ag [ ]iew [ ]heck [ ]earchive [ ]elp [ ]uit U ;48HU o#M#`# $>$M$]$ %?%G%Y% &&&0&Q&a&o&u& '('-'Y'g'n' (K)_)d)r)w) *!*&*5*:*?*N*S*X*g*l*q* *$+*+A+L+d+s+x+ ++,:,B,W,e,k, -!-6-;-P-U-q- .*.0.@. /$/)/1/=/B/G/L/Y/h/w/|/ 0,0;0@0c0{0 1<1U1[1g1o1 2 2'2I2P2U2k2{2 3$373c3w3 4&4+4@4y4 5 5,565[5o5v5 6'616;6J6Q6`6p6v6 7'7<7c7m7s7 8/8R8[8a8q8 :$:):8:=:U:d:j:v: ;*;D;N;X;]; )>A>P>U>c>t>|> >'?8?J?\?b?k? ?a@j@}@ A2AAAFAUA`A B"B:BHB`BnB C,C:CRC`CzC DEDMDsD~D E)E+U+r+ ,$,4,D,V,`,e,u,}, -'-7-\-u-z- .$.=.B.T.\. /6/[/m/{/ /<0K0 191p1 2(242Q2g2 3#3@3V3b3 3#494`4 5.535 6!636<6T6a6v6 7.787=7M7a7h7m7w7 8/888 999X9b9h9r9 :=:G:M:\:r: ;*;I;S;Y;c;w; ;.&>3>8>A> ? ?9?P?^?v? @9@[@e@k@z@ A+ARAaAxA B7B@BFBQB B!C8CLCUC{C D(D2DCDND\DmDrD{D E6EGEcE G&G+G?GGGTGdGnG G$H6H@HNH`HhHmH H I/ISItI J J%J.JAJKJ`JgJlJvJ K1K;KaK L.LML[LzL M\M~M N$N.N3NFN]NgNlNuN O!O'O5OEOOOYOcOmO P#P-P;PMPWPePuP Q#Q8Q?QDQNQSQbQgQpQ R!R&R0R5R?RDRMReRoR S!S9SCSXS_SdSnSsS T-T;TJTlTvT|T U.UdCdMdRdadmd e#e0e5e>ePece f4f=fGfVfif g:gCgMg\gkgug h4hLhdh|h j j/j4jCjRjXjdj l!l0l5l:lIlNlSlXlll m!m)m Fetching filename Transfer cancelled by remote Carrier lost Transfer cancelled from console Fatal timeout CRC error Block number mismatch Bad block complement Timeout, error # Debris, error #U Transfer cancelled by remote Carrier Lost Disk write error CRC Error Checksum Error Block number mismatch Bad block complement Transfer cancelled from console Timeout, error # Debris, error # Carrier lost Transfer completedU |(6; b$C4 P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ $ N a f x Transfer cancelled from console Timeout, error # NAK, error #$Receiver didn't acknowledge header.. Receiver didn't request headerU Ending batch session Sending file data Unable to open File is a device Transfer cancelled by remote Disk read error NAK ( ) error # Timeout ( ), error # Transfer cancelled from console/Waiting for receiver to acknowledge end of file End of file not acknowledgedU b$C4 P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ G s Transfer cancelled from console Header CRC errorU Header CRC errorU Header data timeout File seek errorU (Transfer aborted due to too many errors. uM6;E Resending from 0Waiting for receiver to acknowledge end of file. Resuming from Sending file Session completed Synchronizing with receiver Unable to open File is a device, skipped Sent Receiver requested to skip #Receiver requested to abort sessionU $ < t Data CRC error Long data packet Data CRC error Long data packet Synchronizing with sender Receiving file Session completedU badzfile.$$$'Not enough disk space. Session aborted. Identical file, skipped Duplicate file, renamed to Resumed file transfer. Unable to open Unable to position file pointer. Unable to create File is a device, skipped U Unable to write to disk. Bad pos: Transfer cancelled Timeout'Nonsense end of file received, ignored. Received U "Protocol Engine" (PE) 1.05 (TP)U $`<@u b$C4 P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ |eLXa n;iL` o/hXa iCn4g hWo f n1iFa #.#G#L#[#t# $P$g$w$|$ %1%M%p%z% &-&7&L&`&j&z& (.)?)I)\)a)f)V*e*j* *K+Z+_+ ,[-n- Unknown Your statistics and limits: You may download Kb for every Kb uploaded. files for every file uploaded. The first and files will not be taken in account. Your daily downloadlimit is You have uploaded Kb in files. You have downloaded You have to upload " Kb first before you may download.% files first before you may download. You already have downloaded Kb today. An extra ' Kb has been added to your daily limit. For now you may download . You have minutes remaining.U #RemoteAccess File Manager, version ;Compiled under TurboPascal (tm) 5.5 on November 17th, 1991.;Copyright (C) 1991 by Rene van Hoorn - All Rights Reserved. Fossil: REGISTERED to : ). UNREGISTERED EVALUATION VERSION.U Why do you want to chat? \PAGESTAT.RA Sysop paged (too many times) MAXPAGE$Sorry, you may only page for a chat times per call."Sysop paged (outside paging hours) NOTAVAIL0Sorry, but you may only page for a chat between and Reason for chat : Sysop Page [C] To break in for a chat [A] To terminate the page \PAGE.RA WAIT&Sysop paged (aborted at local console) PAGEABRT0Sorry, but the sysop is not currently available. Sysop paged (chatted with user) PAGED Sysop paged (no response)U STARTCHT*This is your Sysop breaking in for a chat. ENDCHT Sysop chat mode ended.U Security Shell [N]ormal or [S]wap (N/s) ? Please wait a moment... COMSPEC Thank you for waiting.U Override Paging Use paging hours Turn paging OFF Turn paging ON \PAGESTAT.RAU GOODBYE Thank you for calling . Please call back soon! 0 A G Q [ d p } !)!2!B!G!Z! "$"*">"Q"X"f" #,#1#?#N#o#~# $!$4$C$K$}$ $q%z% &2&8&=&I&O&[&i&u& ','7'@'M'R'W'f'k'p' (4(Q(W(k( )))5)e) * *%*0*5*>*F*m* *%+>+M+]+e+ +!,0,E,N,^,h,r,w, -4-a-t- -6Enter filename pattern match ([Enter] for all files): Filename Size files bytes.U Loading, please wait... DORINFO1.DEF baud,N,8,1 Couldn't create DORINFO1.DEF. DOOR.SYS Couldn't create DOOR.SYS. \EXITINFO.BBS Couldn't create EXITINFO.BBS. COMSPEC DOS Shell: EXITINFO.BBS not found! Error reading EXITINFO.BBSU Unable to update U #RemoteAccess File Manager, version 0(C) 1991 by Rene van Hoorn - Hilversum - Holland This is an UNREGISTERED version!U ' 5 ; K P [ j